Jane Leggiero

Jane Leggiero, cello.  Photo credit: Shelby Lewis

Before returning to her hometown of Cleveland, Jane lived, performed, and taught in Boston, Austin, and Williamsburg, VA. She was recruited into the early music world while completing her undergraduate degree at Oberlin College and she did her master’s work at Boston University in Historical Performance and Musicology. She recently leveled up and attained her final form, having recently completed the DMA program in Historical Performance Practice at Case Western Reserve University. Her final research project was focused on music written for viola da gamba in the latter half of the 18th century.

Most recently before returning to the homeland, she was a member of the Governor’s Musick, the ensemble in residence at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, where she enjoyed the opportunity to share music with people visiting from all over the world. As an educator, Jane has a particular interest in physically healthy playing and in helping students unlock the joy of making music together. She has worked privately with cello and viol students of all ages, as a coach for a variety of amateur ensembles, and has served on faculty for the Texas Toot, the Armstrong Community Music School, and the Viola da Gamba Society of America. When she's not making music, Jane enjoys historical costuming (no deadlines allowed), interior painting (when it's not 90 degrees out), and tinkering around making harpsichords work better.