Jonathan Goya
Violin and Viola

Jonathan Goya, violin and viola.  Photo credit: Abigayle Flack

Historical performer Jonathan Goya is a PhD student in Musicology at Case Western Reserve University. Jonathan's research focuses on the careers of violin pedagogues Francesco Geminiani and Louis Spohr and integrates histories of music pedagogy, theory, publishing, and economics to illuminate the ways that material concerns have both inspired and constrained artistic choices, in the past and present. As a committed multi-instrumentalist and singer, a busy month for Jonathan might include playing the cornetto in Monteverdi's Orfeo at Oberlin College and Conservatory; vielle, bass violin, and trombone with the CWRU Collegium; and violin with the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra - along with solo vocal performances ranging from the Cantigas de Santa Maria (c. 1270) to Howard Goodall's Eternal Light (2008).